Running SteamSpeak
There're multiple ways to run SteamSpeak on your machine, so you can choose the one that best suits you.
One time run
~/SteamSpeak yarn run start:server
explain this command
Long-running task
- Systemd
- Linux screen
- PM2
With systemd you can run the application in the background and enable it to automatically start up when the machine boots.
Create a systemd service file.
~/SteamSpeak nano /etc/systemd/system/steamspeak.service
Paste the following content into the file. Remember to replace [...] values.
[Unit]Description=SteamSpeak - Steam and TeamSpeak integration, done right!After=network.service[Service]User=[REPLACE WITH YOUR USER NAME]Group=[REPLACE WITH YOUR USER GROUP]Type=simpleWorkingDirectory=~/SteamSpeakExecStart=/usr/bin/yarn run start:serverRestartSec=15Restart=alwaysStandardOutput=journalStandardError=inherit[Install]
Enable the created unit file.
~/SteamSpeak systemctl enable steamspeak
Enable the created unit file.
~/SteamSpeak systemctl start steamspeak
Verify if the service is running.
~/SteamSpeak systemctl status steamspeak