Multi Function
This plugin allows you to display relevant server information on the configured channels.
export const info: CommonPluginConfig = {name: 'Multi function',description:'This plugin allows you to display relevant server information on the configured channels.',config: {enabled: false,data: [{enabled: true,channelId: 18,name: '» Server ping: [PING]ms'},{enabled: true,channelId: 21,name: '» Server packet loss: [PACKETLOSS]%'},{enabled: true,channelId: 16,name: '» Channels count: [CHANNELS]'},{enabled: true,channelId: 24,name: '» Bytes uploaded: [UPLOAD]'},{enabled: true,channelId: 25,name: '» Bytes downloaded: [DOWNLOAD]'}],interval: {weeks: 0,days: 0,hours: 0,minutes: 5,seconds: 0}}};