To install SteamSpeak you will need to follow the below steps. Feel free to open a issue if you have any problem during the installation process.
That being said, 🚀 GOOD LUCK 🤞!
System requirements
Be sure that you've installed a supported NodeJS version on your machine.
Also you will need:
- MongoDB (Install guide)
- Redis (Install guide)
- A WebServer (Ex: Nginx / Apache)
Clone the repository
Clone the SteamSpeak repository on your machine.
git clone ~/SteamSpeak && cd ~/SteamSpeak
explain this command
Install dependencies
First you will need to sinchronise your package list.
sudo apt update
Run the following command to install required system dependencies.
sudo apt install build-essential
Run the following command to install required npm dependencies.
~/SteamSpeak yarn install
explain this command